All married and engaged couples are invited to register to attend Seek the harbor for love, a couples retreat featuring Ed and Jen Hogan. Dr. Hogan is the Academic Dean of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Jen Hogan is a certified spiritual director.
Middle School Students are invited to spend a day with the NET team. Saturday March 1 | 10:00AM - 6:30PM. A one day retreat focusing on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist!
The Men's Group invites all men to participate in an eye-opening video series on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Beginning in Februrary, the seven-week series titled, "Mysteries of the Rosary", is filmed in the Holy Land and is a walk with Jesus during His passion and death.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults--RCIA-- begins November 14, 2024. Each Thursday from 7:00-8:30PM,
Join Fr. Mason and Fr. Zach as they bring alive the beauty and truth of the Catholic Faith. Session 1 | November 14 | The existence of God.
Engaged and married couples are invited to sign up for Building a Eucharistic Marriage, a 7-part video series
September 23-November 4 | Self-study as a couple or in a group.
Register today! be a better husband? Become a more loving father? Build friendships with other like-minded men? Seek to be the best man you can be?
Come join the Holy Spirit Men’s Group | That Man is You!
There is a relationship, marriage, and family crisis leading to dire consequences for individuals, the church, and society. Holy Spirit Catholic Church is working to become a hub for marital and relationship health, turning the tide of loneliness, decline in faith, unhappiness, and ineffectiveness.
There are several opportunities to get involved in the implementation of Holy Spirit's work with Communio. Please sign up here to help with Relationship Ministry outreach events and upcoming skills-based courses.