The celebration of the Eucharist is the most important activity we do each week at Holy Spirit Parish. At Mass we are able to worship our Heavenly Father through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross. We are united to Jesus in Holy Communion. Our parish also has a Perpetual Adoration Chapel where we can worship Jesus, present in the Eucharist, even outside of Mass. Perpetual Adoration
Sacraments, especially first sacraments, are times of joy and celebration for the entire faith community. They are graced moments in which the parish family participates and remembers its own Christian journey.
Children are prepared to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion in the second grade. First Reconciliation is received in late November/early December. First Communion is received after Easter in the Spring.
It is required that a child be enrolled in a 1st grade Religious Education Program to be ready for 1st Sacraments Preparation in the 2nd grade. If a child is entering 2nd grade with no previous Religious Education, the child is required to have special "catchup" classes to help them to be ready for 1st Sacraments Preparation. Please call the Religious Education Office at 371-1478 to receive more information and to arrange for these classes.
Baptismal certificates are requested and must be kept on file for sacramental verification. Attendance at special meetings and retreats is expected for parents and students. Notification of meetings is sent prior to these meetings.
***If a child enters our program in grades 3-8 who has not received First Communion or Reconciliation, please notify our office (371-1478) and we will arrange for preparation and reception of these sacraments.